The lack of compartment syndrome is indicated by capillary refill, pulses, skin temperature, and color. Skin integrity is not as crucial.
A child is more likely to finish their meals if they are hungry. Therefore, it is important to counsel the mother against giving the youngster snacks.
The youngster will not be able to remain still for an extended period of time since he or she is a ""busy toddler.""
When a patient is having a seizure, the nurse's first responsibility is to keep them from hurting themselves.
An inadequate mechanism to counteract a drop in oxygen saturation leads to polycythemia in the congenital heart disease patient.
When group A -hemolytic streptococcal infection is not properly treated, rheumatic fever develops as a delayed reaction.
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD) is an X-linked recessive hereditary disease characterized by abnormally low levels of
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, a metabolic enzyme involved in the pentose phosphate pathway that is particularly significant in red blood cell
metabolism (abbreviated G6PD or G6PDH).
When giving chemotherapy, the nurse should keep an eye out for an allergic reaction for 20 minutes and stop giving the drug if one is seen to be
occurring. Chemotherapy can have both general and specific side effects, therefore it's crucial to closely monitor for them.