The primary focus of firearm safety training is on the safe handling, storage, and use of firearms. This includes practices to prevent accidents and ensure that firearms are used responsibly and lawfully.
A peace officer is authorized to use a firearm when it is necessary to protect themselves or others from imminent harm or threat. Use of a firearm must be a last resort after other means of resolution have been exhausted.
The firearms qualification is designed to ensure that officers demonstrate proficiency and accuracy with their firearms. This practical test verifies that they can handle and operate their weapon safely and effectively under realistic conditions.
Firearms should be stored securely and not in a public area. Safe firearm handling includes treating every firearm as if it is loaded, keeping the firearm pointed only at intended targets, and keeping your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
If a firearm is accidentally discharged during training, the officer must immediately report the incident to their supervisor. This ensures that the incident is properly documented and investigated, and any necessary corrective actions are taken to prevent future accidents.