Horizon is an OpenStack component that provides a web-based graphical interface, more commonly known as a dashboard. An enterprise can customize the Horizon dashboard to meet its unique needs.
Nova gives enterprises a way to provision resources, such as VMs, bare-metal servers and containers. To perform its basic functions, Nova requires the Keystone, Glance and Neutron components.
Neutron is a software-defined networking component that delivers networking-as-a-service capabilities to virtual environments.
Heat acts as an orchestration engine that deploys cloud resources and applications through templates.
Swift and Cinder are the main OpenStack components for storage. Swift is a scalable, distributed object storage system primarily meant for unstructured data. Cinder provides persistent block storage to OpenStack environments.
Keystone provides authentication and authorization through an API for OpenStack. It supports Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, OAuth, OpenID Connect, Security Assertion Markup Language and SQL.
OpenStack Glance is an image service that registers, discovers and retrieves VM images.