their - belonging to or associated with the people mentioned or easily identified.
stationery - writing and other office materials
The clue is in the second last line:
‘Grandpa shook his head…’ The story is being told to his grandchild.
Each answer is a combination of different words with the same meaning.
It is probably unwise to have a hobby that includes cooking cats and dogs.
So, the use of commas will prevent misunderstanding.
Commas need to be inserted after cycling, swimming, and cooking.
There is no mention within the text of a flare that ignites on contact with water.
Line 3 of the third paragraph states:
Non-GPS EPIRBs have a location accuracy of approximately 5 kilometres.
…A non GPS EPIRB would be referred to as a standard EPIRB.
The phrase should is incorrect and is often blamed on the incorrect abbreviation of should’ve.
You’re is an abbreviation of you are, whilst your is a word indicating belonging (your pencil)
Sentence 4 contains the incorrect spelling (breth). Should be breath.
The only choice of licences that satisfies the requirements for both Gross Vehicle Mass and the number of axles is the third description, Heavy Rigid.
Line 2 of the third paragraph states:
‘Some PLBs do not float and may not be intended for use in water…’
There is only one answer that can be supported in the text.
In line 6, Grandpa says that he was the first and only amongst his friends to get a licence.