FREE OET Writing Questions and Answers


Which type of letter is commonly required in the OET writing test?

Correct! Wrong!

Candidates are usually asked to write a referral, discharge, or transfer letter based on given case notes.

Which writing style is appropriate for OET letters?

Correct! Wrong!

OET letters should be written in a formal and professional tone suitable for communication between healthcare professionals.

How can candidates improve their OET writing skills?

Correct! Wrong!

Practicing with sample case notes, reviewing model letters, and receiving feedback from instructors can help improve OET writing skills.

What is the primary purpose of the writing section in the OET?

Correct! Wrong!

The writing section assesses a candidate’s ability to communicate effectively in a healthcare setting by composing professional medical letters.

What should candidates focus on when selecting information for the OET writing task?

Correct! Wrong!

Candidates should include only relevant details from the case notes that are necessary for the recipient to take appropriate action.

Which factor is most important when structuring an OET letter?

Correct! Wrong!

A well-structured letter should include clear organization, logical flow of information, and appropriate medical terminology.