In reflex sympathetic dystrophy, the pain is out of proportion to the injury. Pain, edema, skin color changes, and joint stiffness from lack of use are common symptoms. Desensitization techniques can help clients with RSD, who have a higher sensitivity to sensory input.
Rocking slowly is restrictive. It has been demonstrated that rhythmic, slow movements lessen tone. The methods of tapping, vibrating, and icing all help to improve muscle tone.
Lip brushing is a facilitative method that promotes lip closure.
The biomechanical frame of reference is founded on the idea that a reduced range of motion, strength, and endurance may be treated with purposeful activities.
After a burn, a resting hand splint is applied to prevent hand deformation. This splint is typically made with the wrist extended, the MP joints in flexion and the PIP and DIP joints extended (also known as the intrinsic plus position).
Phantom pain is a situation where a patient who has had an amputation still perceives the missing limb as being present and feels pain in it. The client's ability to use a prosthetic is impeded by this pain. Multiple members of the treatment team frequently need to intervene in the treatment of phantom pain.
Increasing the base of support by spreading the feet apart might assist someone stay balanced. Teaching a client who struggles with a balance to broaden his stance while performing standing tasks will help him keep his balance.