Numerical Reasoning

FREE Numerical Reasoning Random Questions and Answers


What percentage of actual sales in Thailand and Italy during the fourth quarter differed from the goal sales?

Correct! Wrong!

Your proficiency with ratios and your ability to extract the most important data from a table are measured by this query. Thailand's fourth-quarter sales objective was 550, according to the data in the table, while actual sales were: 205 + 105 + 260 = 570. This is a 20-percent difference (570 – 550). Italy's goal was 600 sales, while the real number was 615 (125 + 250 + 240). Here, the difference was 15 (615 – 600). The ratio of differences between Thailand and Italy is thus 20:15, or 4:3."

Which of the five national branches had the third quarter's highest average pricing per unit?

Correct! Wrong!

This test examines your capacity to extract crucial data from a table in order to solve problems. The average unit price for the third quarter in each of the five countries must be discovered in order to answer this question. Australia made 3600 sales and earned $410,000, or an average of around $113 per item sold (410,000 / 3600). The remaining 4 nations can be determined by applying the same method: Italy = $99; Belgium = $113; Germany = $99; and Croatia = $200. Undoubtedly, Croatia had the highest price per unit."

How much would a consumer have paid if they initially chose the Orange package but then, after six months, elected to switch to the White package, which is less expensive, to finish their contract?

Correct! Wrong!

Your ability to employ fundamental financial formulas and identify the pertinent data in the table will be evaluated by this question. The client initially agreed to an 18-month contract, thus they would be charged for 6 months at the Orange package rate of $25 per month (625=$150) and the final 12 months at the White package charge of $15 per month (1215=$180). Thus, his or her total cost would be $150 plus $180, which equals $330."

What is the approximate sales ratio between France and Germany in the fourth quarter?

Correct! Wrong!

Your capacity to deal with ratios and comprehend data presented in a table is evaluated by this question. According to the data in the table, Germany's fourth-quarter sales were: 125 + 250 + 240 = 615. Similar numbers for French sales were: 105 + 145 + 160 = 410. As a result, the ratio of fourth-quarter sales between Germany and France was 615:410, or almost 600:400 = 6:4 = 3:2."

What is the approximate average monthly profit from selling the Blue package across all regions?

Correct! Wrong!

This question assesses your capacity to comprehend fundamental financial concepts like revenue and expense, to use simple mathematical formulas like average, and to extract crucial data from tables in order to solve issues. We must first figure out the average monthly sales for the Blue package before multiplying that figure by the monthly fee per client in order to find the solution to this issue. Therefore, 6500 + 5800 + 3700 + 4400 + 6500 + 7100 + 4800 = 38,800 is the total amount of sales for the Blue package. This results in an average sales figure of 38,800 / 7 = 5542 for the seven regions (approximately). Consequently, the average monthly income is: 5542 x $35 = $194,000."

What is the approximate difference in entrance prices for an adult visiting Fun Park on a Sunday and a senior visiting Barracuda Park on a Wednesday?

Correct! Wrong!

This question assesses your proficiency with ratios. To answer this question, we must first identify the important information in the table. Barracuda Park's senior entrance cost is $6.80, although on a weekday, there is a 10% discount: 6.80 x 0.9 = $6.12. On Sunday, an adult admission to Fun Park is $9.50. As a result, the ratio is $6.12:$9.50, or roughly 6:9 or 2:3."

What number is missing to take the place of the question mark?

Correct! Wrong!

This question measures your ability to spot a pattern in a line of numbers. These numbers become a series when there is a pattern inside the line, and in order to identify the pattern, we must take into account how and why consecutive numbers vary. We can observe that the third number is the product of the first two by looking at the series from left to right: 5 x 4 = 20. Applying that rule further, we can see that the third and fourth numbers are multiplied to yield the fifth number: 20 x 3 = 60. As a result, the final number must be the sum of the fifth and sixth numbers, or 6 x? = 240, which is equal to 4 when divided by 60."

What is the expected daily income on a Saturday if the management at Barracuda Park increased the entrance price for kids and elders by 20%?

Correct! Wrong!

The new child pricing is $9.20 multiplied by 1.2 to equal $11.04. Given that 2700 children are expected, this group will bring in $29,808 ($11.04 x 2700). The revenue from this category will be: $11.90 x 2100 = $24,990 since adult pricing remain the same. The final price for the new senior is: $6.80 x 1.2 = $8.16. There are 650 seniors on average per day, thus the income from this group will be $8.16 x 650, which comes to $5304. We must now sum the anticipated earnings for the three categories to get at the solution: $29,808 + $24,990 + $5403 = $60,102."

According to a poll conducted in Europe, purchasing gifts costs a lot of money. In t3, how much did a Swede spend on a single gift on average?

Correct! Wrong!

Spending on gifts in Sweden amounts to €3.9 billion in t3. There are 10 million people living there. Spending per capita is €390 (3.9 billion/10 million). Thirteen gifts are purchased with this sum. The Swede spends €30 on each gift (390/13)."

Which of the following bundles sold the second fewest in the two northern regions?

Correct! Wrong!

In order to answer this, we must add the sales of each package in the two regions; for example, the White package sold: 6500 + 7500 = 14,000 units. Yellow scored 10,800, Orange 14,600, Blue 12,300, and Black 11,800 in the other packages' scores. Clearly, Black had the second-lowest sales total."

What would it cost to get tickets to the Fun Park on a Saturday for 15 adults and 40 kids?

Correct! Wrong!

This question assesses your capacity to comprehend tables and apply the numerical data contained inside them to resolve problems. According to the data in the chart, 15 adult admission tickets to Fun Park on a Saturday will cost $142.50, or $9.50 each. A child will pay $7.70 at the same park on that day, and 40 will pay $308. Therefore, $142.50 + $308 = $450.50 is the total cost."