- Meningoencephalitis is most likely the patient's condition. The diagnosis should be verified by a lumbar puncture.
- Viral serology and bacterial culture can be performed on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) obtained from the lumbar puncture.
- Viral encephalitis is a virus-induced inflammation of the brain parenchyma. It coexists frequently with viral meningitis and is the most prevalent kind of encephalitis.
- The majority of people who suffer from viral encephalitis recover completely. Those who continue to exhibit symptoms struggle with focus, have behavioral and communication issues, or suffer from memory loss. Patients may occasionally continue to be in a vegetative state.
- She might not be able to solve crossword puzzles.
- Constant supervision would be necessary when making brownies.
- She might safely pass the time by winding thread or stringing beads.
- Treatment requires supportive care. Aggression, sadness, paranoia, and trouble sleeping are common secondary effects that can be troublesome and frequently call for psychiatric medicine.
- Low back discomfort that travels down a lower extremity is the most typical symptom of lumbar radiculopathy. Numbness in a dermatomal pattern and weakness along the afflicted myotome are possible additional symptoms.
- Reduced reflexes are a lower motor neuron symptom that may be present in radiculopathy.
- The sensation should be examined during a neurologic examination. A dermatomal pattern with impaired feeling is symptomatic of radiculopathy.
- Upper motor neuron symptoms like clonus or a positive Babinski sign may indicate spinal cord involvement and warrant further examination of the shoulder. In lumbar radiculopathy, motor weakness can be observed and will occur after a particular myotome: L2 hip flexion, L3 knee extension, L4 dorsiflexion, L5 great toe dorsiflexion, and S1 plantar flexion.
- For a suspected subdural hematoma, the first imaging test of choice is a computed tomography (CT) scan of the head without contrast.
- A chronic subdural hematoma is often less thick than an acute subdural hematoma.
- A subdural hematoma usually resembles a crescent.
- It may be more challenging to detect a subacute subdural if it is isodense to the brain.
- 100% oxygen therapy is arguably the most well-known remedy for cluster headaches.
- This method is specific to cluster headaches compared to all other types of headaches and is a level A recommendation.
- It takes less than ten minutes to take effect.
- Oxygen therapy is a great option because it has no hazards or adverse effects.
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disorder with several etiologies and an unknown cause. The pathogenesis of ALS is characterized by axon degradation and gliosis in the anterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord.
- Both upper and lower motor neurons slowly degenerate as a symptom of the illness.
- Hyperreflexia, spasticity, weakness, and fasciculation are symptoms of the illness.
- Although there is no known cure for ALS, there are a number of treatments and drugs that can lessen symptoms and extend life, sometimes by up to 10 years or more.
- The most frequent complication of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and the main factor in postponed morbidity and death is vasospasm.
- It typically happens two to four days following the first bleeding. The frequency peaks between 6 and 8 days and subsides between 3 and 4 weeks.
- Calcium channel blockers should be used to treat it.
- Hyperdynamic therapy with inotropes and hypervolemic hemodilution are two other treatment options.