The United Way was listed by Forbes in 2011 as the U.S. charity receiving the most private funding on a national level. The United Way is a nonprofit organization that works to improve communities and individual lives by mobilizing resources, such as donations and volunteers, to address key issues like education, health, and financial stability. It has a wide network of local chapters across the United States and is known for its annual fundraising campaigns.
False(MPA programs concentrate greater emphasis on management and implementation approaches, whereas MPP programs emphasize policy research and assessment) (MPA programs place more emphasis on management and implementation techniques, while MPP programs emphasize policy research and evaluation)
In 2012, the young couple Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan came in second among the top donors. They donated a substantial amount of $498.8 million, making them one of the most generous philanthropists that year. Mark Zuckerberg is the co-founder and CEO of Facebook, while Priscilla Chan is a pediatrician and philanthropist. Together, they have been actively involved in various charitable initiatives and have pledged significant funds towards education, healthcare, and other social causes.
The principal office of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is located in Paris, France. The OECD is an international organization composed of 37 member countries, including some of the most developed nations in the world. It serves as a platform for countries to discuss and coordinate policies related to economic growth, social well-being, and sustainable development. The OECD works on a wide range of issues, including economic, environmental, and social topics, and it has developed various guidelines and standards to promote ethical practices in areas such as bribery, science and technology, consumer interests, and the environment.
All of the statements you mentioned are covered by the American Society of Public Administration's (ASPA) Code of Ethics. The ASPA's Code of Ethics emphasizes the importance of making decisions that may not be popular, supporting transparency and the public's right to know, and opposing discrimination and harassment while promoting affirmative action. These principles are integral to the ethical conduct of public administrators and professionals in the field of public administration.
The Grameen Bank in Bangladesh has historically had a high proportion of women borrowers. It is widely reported that around 97% of the borrowers at Grameen Bank are women. This focus on women borrowers is a deliberate strategy of the bank, as it believes in the empowerment of women through access to financial services and entrepreneurship opportunities. Please note that the actual proportion may have changed since then, and for the most up-to-date information, it would be best to refer to official reports or the Grameen Bank's website.