The MMPI is good at separating psychopathy from medical disorders as well as from malingering or deliberate test-taking.
Most frequently employed by mental health professionals to evaluate and identify mental illness, but it has been used in domains other than clinical psychology as well. The MMPI-2 is frequently employed in court matters, such as custody battles and criminal defense.
Psychometrics refers to the area of psychology that deals with evaluation, measurement, and associated processes.
Marked by exaggerated skepticism, compulsions, obsessions, and irrational anxieties.
Less than one percent of Americans have schizophrenia, a long-term brain illness. Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, cognitive difficulties, and a lack of motivation are some of the symptoms of schizophrenia.
Someone who categorically prefers to be alone is said to be a social introvert. They will make every effort to make sure they have as much alone time as they require. However, if they do socialize, it will only be with a small circle of close pals.
In psychological testing, a validity scale is a scale that is intended to gauge how reliable replies are, for instance in an effort to identify defensiveness, malingering, or sloppy or haphazard responses.