FREE MLC Trivia Questions and Answers


Describe the SEA to me. By whom is it signed? What happens if the engineer works for a staffing company? (MGN 477).

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Would a certificate of proficiency in designated security duties or security awareness be required for the 2/E?

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What paperwork would you need from a cook before hiring him?

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When creating a work plan with certain work hours and rest intervals, a table listing the responsibilities for each position on board should be included.

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If there is a change to the List of Crew, who should you notify?

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When calculating the safe manning level, which navigational duties should be considered?

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For what duration are 'deviation' data pertaining to the Hours of Work laws have to be maintained? How lengthy are records that comply?

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Your current port of call is not able to provide a medical for an officer whose medical has expired while they are on board. How long can the officer stay on board, and is it possible?

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For whom is a SEA necessary?

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A SEA is signed by who?

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What happens if the cadet you are enrolling is a young person—someone under the age of eighteen—?

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