While Power Apps lets anybody to create and utilize apps that link to company data, Power BI delivers data insights for better decision-making. With the With Power Apps Visual, you can send context-aware data to a canvas app, which refreshes as you make changes to your report in real time. Now, users of your app may gain business insights and take action directly from Power BI dashboards and reports.
A custom connector can be described using OpenAPI definitions or Postman collections.
Please select 2 correct answers
You wish to reduce network traffic when producing reports from massive data sources (perhaps containing millions of records).
Utilizing delegable data sources and algorithms is necessary when working with huge data sets. It's the only way to maintain your app's functionality and guarantee users have access to all the data they require. Only a few sources of tabular data support delegation.
The most often used tabular data sources that support delegation are as follows:
- Common Data Service
- SharePoint
- SQL Server
If a real-time workflow fails, it rolls back all modifications. If the Workflow encounters a problem while running the procedure, it will undo all of the previous actions.
Options for the assembly location and isolation mode are available. These speak of on-premise deployment-specific choices. You will always be forced to accept the default choices of SandBox and Database for these parameters since Dataverse is not accessible for deployments on-premises.
Create processes that employ Dataverse to increase operational efficiency with a unified view of corporate data (Common Data Service has been rebranded to Microsoft As of November 2020, Dataverse. For instance, you can leverage Power Automate's Dataverse in the following significant ways: Make a flow to import, export, or respond to data changes by doing anything (like sending a notification). Instead of using email to create an approval loop, design a flow that saves approval state in an entity, and then develop a bespoke app that allows users to accept or reject items.
Relationship metadata search The RelationshipDefinitions entity set can be used to query entity relationships. In order to obtain the SchemaName attribute for each relationship, execute a query similar to the one below. GET Relationship Definitions from [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0?$select=SchemaName Only the properties found in the RelationshipMetadataBase EntityType are accessible when querying this entity collection. Retrieving relationship metadata inside the context of a specific entity works quite similarly to querying attributes, it should be noted. The Relationships of Many to Many, Similar to the Attributes collection-valued navigation property, the ManyToOneRelationships, and OneToManyRelationships collection-valued navigation properties can be queried. However, the RelationshipDefinitions entity set can also be used to query entity relationships.