FREE MCOLES Language Skills Questions and Answers


The defense attorney disputed the defendant's _____.

Correct! Wrong!

The prisoner has declined to identify himself.

Correct! Wrong!

In the previous 30 days, this was the ___ attack of that kind.

Correct! Wrong!

It's difficult for me to accept Alexander's story.

Correct! Wrong!

A van was used to transport the _____ from the hospital.

Correct! Wrong!

The inspector made some very well-chosen comments regarding the crime spree.

Correct! Wrong!

Our fears would be reduced if Albertson agreed to take a polygraph test.

Correct! Wrong!

The throng was _____ by the riot control squad.

Correct! Wrong!

Bloodstains were visible in the space beneath the suspect's right pocket on his jeans.

Correct! Wrong!

Police will recruit the assistance of an informant on _____.

Correct! Wrong!

The concertgoers were expected to turn rowdy.

Correct! Wrong!