MPharm Master of Pharmacy

FREE Master of Pharmacy: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Questions and Answers


What is EC50 in pharmacodynamics?

Correct! Wrong!

EC50 represents the drug concentration at steady state that produces half of the maximum effect.

How are drugs classified based on their pharmacodynamic actions?

Correct! Wrong!

Pharmacodynamic actions include various categories such as stimulating activity, depressing activity, antagonistic or blocking actions, stabilizing actions, and direct chemical reactions.

Which of the following is an issue with taking oral medications?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is A and B. The combination of "First pass effect" and "Low bioavailability" is indicated by the answer "A and B." The first pass effect refers to the initial metabolism of a drug as it passes through the liver, which can significantly reduce its bioavailability. Low bioavailability refers to the limited fraction of an administered dose that reaches the systemic circulation unchanged. Both factors contribute to the reduced effectiveness of the drug in producing its desired effects. Therefore, the selected answer accurately identifies the joint presence of these two factors in the context of drug response.

What is one benefit of using sublingual administration?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is All of the above. Sublingual administration offers multiple advantages, including convenience, avoidance of the harsh gastrointestinal environment, and bypassing the first-pass metabolism in the liver. This route allows for direct absorption of the medication into the bloodstream through the rich vascular network under the tongue, which contributes to its effectiveness.

What percentage of the medication entering the systemic circulation is unchanged?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is Bioavailability. Bioavailability refers to the percentage of the administered medication that reaches the systemic circulation unchanged and is available to exert its intended effects. It takes into account factors such as absorption, metabolism, and elimination. Therefore, the chosen answer accurately identifies bioavailability as the parameter indicating what percentage of the medication entering the systemic circulation remains unchanged.

What would be the volume of distribution (Vd) for a drug that remains exclusively within the vascular compartment?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is Low. If a drug remains exclusively within the vascular compartment without extensively distributing into tissues or organs, its volume of distribution (Vd) would be low. A low Vd indicates that the drug is primarily confined to the blood circulation and has limited distribution beyond the bloodstream. Therefore, the chosen answer accurately identifies a Low volume of distribution as characteristic of a drug that is retained predominantly within the vascular compartment.

What does Emax refer to in pharmacodynamics?

Correct! Wrong!

Emax is the maximal effect of a drug on a parameter being measured, such as platelet inhibition or blood pressure lowering.

What is a drawback of intramuscular (IM) administration?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is B and C. Two disadvantages associated with intramuscular (IM) administration are that it can affect lab tests and often causes discomfort or pain at the injection site. The injection site pain can deter patients and lead to non-compliance with treatment. Additionally, the injected substance can interfere with certain laboratory tests, potentially affecting accurate test results. Therefore, the chosen answer accurately identifies both "Can affect lab tests" and "Painful" as drawbacks of IM administration.

Which of the following best defines pharmacodynamics?

Correct! Wrong!

Pharmacodynamics involves the study of how drugs interact with biological structures or targets at the molecular level, inducing changes in their function and subsequent effects.

Among the provided options, which route exhibits the greatest bioavailability?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is IV. Intravenous (IV) administration typically results in the highest bioavailability among the provided routes. When a drug is administered intravenously, it is directly introduced into the bloodstream, bypassing absorption barriers and first-pass metabolism. This leads to the entire dose being available in the systemic circulation, resulting in a bioavailability of 100%. Therefore, the selected answer accurately identifies IV as the route with the highest bioavailability among the options.

What is pharmacodynamics?

Correct! Wrong!

Pharmacodynamics refers to the study of how a drug's molecular, biochemical, and physiologic effects or actions interact with the body's biological structures to induce changes in how these structures function.

In what location can one find extensive fenestrations or slit junctions?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is Liver. Extensive fenestrations or slit junctions are primarily found in the liver. These specialized structures in the liver's endothelial cells allow for the passage of larger molecules, such as proteins, between the blood and the liver tissue. This feature plays a crucial role in the liver's functions, including its filtration and processing of blood components. Therefore, the selected answer accurately identifies the liver as the location where one can find extensive fenestrations or slit junctions.

What best defines how the body reacts to the drug?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is Pharmacokinetics. Pharmacokinetics refers to the study of how the body processes a drug, including its absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. It focuses on how the drug moves within the body and how its concentration changes over time. Therefore, the selected answer accurately identifies pharmacokinetics as the aspect that defines how the body reacts to a drug.

Medications that are attached to albumin lack activity.

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is True. If a drug remains solely within the vascular compartment and does not distribute extensively into tissues or organs, its volume of distribution (Vd) would indeed be low, and it would predominantly circulate within the bloodstream. This scenario aligns with the statement that the volume of distribution for a drug confined to the vascular compartment is True.

What happens when medicines enter the plasma?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is Absorption. Among the processes mentioned, "Absorption" refers to the movement of a drug from its site of administration into the bloodstream. It is the initial step in drug intake, occurring after administration through various routes such as oral, intravenous, or topical. Therefore, the selected answer accurately identifies "Absorption" as the process represented by the given options.

For a drug that strongly binds to peripheral tissues, what would be the volume of distribution (Vd)?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is High. When a drug has a strong affinity for binding to peripheral tissues, it tends to be sequestered and trapped in those tissues, resulting in a higher volume of distribution (Vd). This means that a significant portion of the drug is distributed outside the central compartment (blood) and can accumulate in various peripheral tissues, leading to a higher apparent volume in which the drug appears to be distributed. Therefore, the selected answer accurately identifies a high volume of distribution as the characteristic for a drug that strongly binds to peripheral tissues.