FREE Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) Question and Answers


To go through something again and focus on the key elements or features

Correct! Wrong!

View once more or observe.

In your own words, describe what it means

Correct! Wrong!

To describe or express the importance of

To make clear what something indicates in detail

Correct! Wrong!

To make clear and define something's purpose and precise features.

To demonstrate accuracy through fact

Correct! Wrong!

show a theorem is the action of demonstrating something's existence, truthfulness, or validity (as by use of evidence or reasoning).

In order to understand

Correct! Wrong!

To establish or acknowledge as belonging to a specific person or object; confirm the identification of.

To send information out or transmit

Correct! Wrong!

To transmit to a third party, especially by sealed writing.

To provide details

Correct! Wrong!

Permits or allows something to be seen.