FREE LOEP Sentence Meaning Questions and Answers


Janet is never late to meet her friends and sometimes arrives early.

Which best describes Janet?

Correct! Wrong!

The sentence states that Janet is never late to meet her friends and sometimes arrives early. This indicates that Janet is consistently on time or early for her appointments, which aligns with the characteristic of being punctual. Therefore, option B, "Punctual," best describes Janet based on the information provided in the sentence.

When the popular entertainer canceled her appearance, the Latin American festival was postponed indefinitely.

When will the festival likely take place?

Correct! Wrong!

The sentence states that the Latin American festival was postponed indefinitely after the popular entertainer canceled her appearance. "Indefinitely" suggests that there is no specific or immediate timeframe for rescheduling the festival. Therefore, option D, "Many weeks later," is the most appropriate choice, indicating that the festival is likely to be postponed for an extended period of time rather than happening soon.

The Chang children ____ their parents by making sandwiches for the whole family.

Choose the word or phrase that makes the sentence meaningful and correct.

Correct! Wrong!

To convey that the Chang children assisted their parents in making sandwiches, the phrasal verb "helped out" is appropriate. This implies that they provided assistance or support. Therefore, option A, "helped out," is the correct choice to make the sentence meaningful and grammatically correct.

After we saw the play, we had different opinions ____ Jane’s performance.

Choose the word or phrase that makes the sentence meaningful and correct.

Correct! Wrong!

The phrase "different opinions" requires a preposition that indicates the subject or topic of the opinions. In this case, we are expressing opinions about Jane's performance after seeing the play. Therefore, the correct preposition to use here is "about".

Elena found a tomato that was much bigger than all the others in the garden.

How did the tomato compare to the others in the garden?

Correct! Wrong!

The sentence states that Elena found a tomato that was much bigger than all the others in the garden. This means the tomato stood out because it was larger than all the other tomatoes present. Therefore, option D, "It was the largest," correctly describes how the tomato compared to the others in the garden based on the information provided.

Bram Stoker is best known for his classic horror novel Dracula, which was published in 1897.

What did Bram Stoker do?

Correct! Wrong!

The sentence states that Bram Stoker is best known for his classic horror novel "Dracula," which was published in 1897. This indicates that Bram Stoker's primary occupation or contribution was as a writer, specifically known for this famous novel. Therefore, option C, "He was a writer," accurately describes what Bram Stoker did based on the information provided.

As demonstrated by his last album, which was released after his death, Ibrahim Ferrer ____ one of the most beautiful voices in Latin music.

Choose the word or phrase that makes the sentence meaningful and correct.

Correct! Wrong!

The sentence is discussing Ibrahim Ferrer's voice in the past tense ("was"), and it refers to his last album, which was released after his death. To describe his voice in the past and emphasize its quality, we use the past tense form "had."