A Good Faith Estimate (loan estimate) must be delivered to the customer no later than three business days
following the acceptance of an application; however, the consumer's assets are not a necessary component
of the Good Faith Estimate.
Any loan that is backed by a first or second lien on a residential property is typically subject to RESPA.
Owners association dues are not paid into the escrow account or included in the mortgage payment each
An adverse action on a mortgage application is a bad action that the customer is informed about in relation
to the denial of the credit application.
Immigration status may be taken into account when examining the application because it may have an
impact on a person's capacity to repay a loan.
Benefits from the military's educational program will end once the borrower has completed their studies,
hence they cannot be regarded as a source of income.
Only when a principal residence is being refinanced is there a right of revocation.