In Mandarin Chinese, the most common way to say "hi" or "hello" is "nǐ hǎo" (你好), which is pronounced as "ni3 hao3" using the tone numbers. Each syllable is pronounced with a specific tone, and "nǐ hǎo" is the standard greeting used in Mandarin Chinese.
In Mandarin Chinese, the word "you" can be translated as "你" (nǐ) when referring to the singular "you" or addressing one person.
In Mandarin Chinese, the word "I" or "me" can be translated as "我" (wǒ). It is used when referring to oneself.
In Mandarin Chinese, the word "hair" can be translated as "头发" (tóufa).
In Mandarin Chinese, the word "hand" can be translated as "手" (shǒu).
In Mandarin Chinese, the initial "s" is pronounced as an unaspirated "s" sound. It is not pronounced as a "sh" sound.
In Mandarin Chinese, the initial "zh" is pronounced as a voiceless retroflex affricate sound, similar to the "j" sound in the English word "judge." It is different from the "sh" sound, which is a voiceless retroflex fricative. The "zh" sound is represented by the Pinyin letter "zh" and can be found in words like "zhōng" (中) meaning "middle" and "zhī" (知) meaning "to know."