TAPAS is used for predicting the performance, behaviors, attitudes, and attrition of new recruits. It helps in assessing the suitability of individuals for military service by evaluating their personality traits and cognitive abilities.
The main limitation of cognitive testing in personnel selection is its limited ability to predict elements of success beyond technical proficiency. While cognitive tests can assess problem-solving abilities and intelligence, they may not fully capture qualities like teamwork, leadership, and adaptability, which are also crucial for success in various roles.
Response distortion is a concern in using personality assessments for selection because applicants may not always be truthful in their responses. This can lead to inaccurate portrayals of their personalities, potentially affecting hiring decisions and organizational outcomes.
These scales are designed to detect and measure the extent to which individuals are trying to present themselves in a favorable light or manipulate their responses on personality assessments. By including such scales, test administrators can identify and account for response distortion, thereby mitigating its effects on the assessment results.
Multidimensional pairwise preference (MDPP) items make up the majority of TAPAS items. The pre-calibrated personality statement pools used to create the MDPP items measure construct aspects that are pertinent to performance.
Conscientiousness refers to the tendency to be organized, responsible, and dependable. Research has consistently shown that individuals high in conscientiousness are less likely to engage in counterproductive work behaviors (CWB), such as absenteeism, tardiness, and workplace deviance. They are more diligent, reliable, and committed to their tasks, leading to fewer instances of misconduct or disruptive behavior in the workplace.
In a forced-choice format, test-takers are presented with pairs of statements and are required to choose which one best describes them, making it more difficult to fake responses compared to self-report personality measures or Likert-type assessments.
Using a Likert format, Galic and Jerneic assessed score inflation between the applicant and honest situations. They reported Cohen's d values ranging from 0.45 to 2.17 (mean = |1.3|).
TAPAS is typically administered to candidates through an online assessment platform.
TAPAS primarily assesses personality traits such as leadership potential, emotional stability, and adaptability, rather than mechanical aptitude.
TAPAS is an adaptive assessment that adjusts the difficulty of questions based on the candidate's previous responses.