FREE HIPAA Medical Information Questions and Answers


When a patient requests copies of his/her medical records:

Correct! Wrong!

When a patient requests copies of their medical records, the healthcare provider is allowed to charge reasonable cost-based fees.
This means that the provider can charge an amount that covers the actual costs associated with retrieving and copying the records.
The fees should be reasonable and should not be set arbitrarily or excessively.
This ensures that the patient can access their records while also allowing the provider to recover their expenses.

The Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) must be:

Correct! Wrong!

The Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) must be given to each patient at their first visit after April 14, 2003.
This ensures that patients are informed about their privacy rights and how their health information will be used. Additionally, the NPP should be posted on the healthcare provider's website, if they have one, to make it easily accessible to patients.
Furthermore, the NPP should also be posted in the office to ensure that patients who visit in person can review it. Therefore, all of the options mentioned (given to each patient, posted on the website, and posted in the office) are correct.

U.S.C. 7332 deals with confidentially of patient medical record information related to:

Correct! Wrong!

U.S.C. 7332 deals with the confidentiality of patient medical record information related to drug abuse, alcoholism, infection with the HIV virus, and sickle cell anemia.
This means that any information related to these conditions cannot be disclosed without the patient's consent.
It is important to protect the privacy of individuals and their medical information, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like drug abuse, alcoholism, HIV infection, and sickle cell anemia.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA):

Correct! Wrong!

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) encompasses all of the mentioned aspects.
It ensures the protection of health insurance coverage for workers and their families during job changes or loss, establishes national standards for electronic health care transactions, and addresses the security and privacy of health data.

If I forget to give a Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) to a patient:

Correct! Wrong!

If a healthcare provider forgets to give a Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) to a patient, they are required to mail it on the date of service and document their actions.
This is important because the NPP informs patients about their privacy rights and how their health information may be used and disclosed. Mailing it on the date of service ensures that the patient receives the information in a timely manner, and documenting the actions helps to demonstrate compliance with privacy regulations.

If the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HSS) validates a complaint my practice:

Correct! Wrong!

If the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HSS) validates a complaint, it may result in a compliance review.
This means that the HSS will investigate the complaint and assess whether the practice is in compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines.
The compliance review could lead to further actions or penalties if any violations are found.

When a patient requests access to his/her medical records:

Correct! Wrong!

When a patient requests access to his/her medical records,
the healthcare provider may choose to provide a summary instead of the complete record if they believe it would be too difficult for the patient to interpret. In such cases, the provider needs to have the requestor agree on charges for the summary in advance.
This means that both options B and C are correct.

My practice can respond to a request to amend a record:

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is "Within 60 days.''This means that the practice is able to respond to a request to amend a record within a maximum time frame of 60 days.
It indicates that the practice is committed to promptly addressing any requests for record amendments within this specified period.

A practice can refuse to amend the record:

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is "Under specific circumstances". This means that a practice has the right to refuse to amend a medical record, but only in certain situations.
It suggests that there are specific criteria or conditions that need to be met for the practice to exercise this right.
The answer implies that there are limitations to the practice's ability to refuse amending the record, and it is not a blanket refusal under any circumstance.

An authorization can be revoked:

Correct! Wrong!

An authorization can only be revoked within 30 days of the original authorization.
This means that after 30 days have passed, the authorization cannot be revoked anymore.
The other options mentioned, such as revoking by telephone request or if the requested action has not already been taken, are not mentioned as conditions for revoking the authorization. Therefore, the only valid condition stated is within the 30-day timeframe.

A copy of an authorization.

Correct! Wrong!

A copy of an authorization is acceptable if all elements are included because it ensures that all necessary information and details are present and can be verified.
This means that the copy is a complete and accurate representation of the original authorization.