FREE HCCP Financial Analysis Questions and Answers


When evaluating the financial feasibility of an LIHTC project, what is a critical factor to consider?

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Evaluating projected rent levels and operating expenses is crucial for determining the financial feasibility of an LIHTC project. This helps ensure that the project will generate sufficient income to cover expenses and provide a reasonable return on investment.

What is the significance of the “debt service coverage ratio” (DSCR) in the financial analysis of an LIHTC project?

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The debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) is a key financial metric that measures the project’s ability to cover its debt payments using its net operating income. A higher DSCR indicates a greater ability to service debt, which is important for securing financing and maintaining financial stability.

What is the role of the “rent comparability study” in the financial analysis of an LIHTC project?

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A rent comparability study compares the rental rates of the proposed project with those of similar properties in the area. This analysis helps ensure that the proposed rents are competitive and align with market conditions, which is crucial for financial projections and attracting tenants.

What is the primary purpose of a “pro forma” financial statement in the context of an LIHTC project?

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A pro forma financial statement is used to project the future financial performance and cash flow of the project. It includes estimates of income, expenses, and profitability, helping investors and lenders assess the project's financial viability.

How does the concept of "tax credit syndication" impact the financial analysis of an LIHTC project?

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Tax credit syndication involves selling LIHTCs to investors in exchange for equity funding. This equity helps finance the project, reducing the need for debt and improving financial viability. The sale of credits provides crucial capital to support project development.