(in the continuity theory, the pace of activities may be slower and for some, the relief from time pressures and deadlines is a bounty of older age. the activity theory proposes that older adults should stay active and engaged if they are to age successfully. in the theory of individualism, the focus shifts away from the external world toward inner experiences as the older person searches for answers to life's riddles and find the essence of the true self. in the disengagement theory, the pattern of behavior in later life is for the older person to withdraw so that social equilibrium is maintained)
1. Many older adults have chronic disease but function well. 2. Often people characterize the elderly in a negative way, believing that after a certain age, things cannot be changed. Older people can learn new things and take up new hobbies they can enjoy and give life meaning and pleasure. 3. Although it may not be possible to reverse all the damage, it is never too late to stop smoking cigarettes. People who quit smoking at an older age enjoy better health outcomes. 4. Older people contribute greatly to society by volunteering, helping with grandchildren, mentoring others, and continue working.