Based on safety and legal considerations, the requirement for a candidate to be at least 18 years old to earn a Certificate of Fitness.
Conducting hot work without the necessary permits and safety measures, especially in potentially hazardous environments, constitutes an unpermitted issue that can lead to serious safety risks and violations.
Portable LPG containers that are more than 16.4 oz and CNG containers with a capacity greater than 8.7 SCF - must NOT stored, handled, or used indoors in the following occupancies (as defined in the Building code): residential occupancies, factory and industrial occupancies; educational occupancies; institutional occupancies, except as the commissioner may authorize by rule.
A city-wide permit is valid up to 30 days
Hot work authorization should be issued by the responsible person, and it must be available for inspection by any representative of the department during the performance of the work, and for 48 hours after the work is complete