The correct answer is B - It describes the new inhabitants of the village. The second paragraph describes the village following the departure of its human inhabitants. It does not outline the reasons for the relocation of the former inhabitant (this is given in the second paragraph), nor does it compare different types of animals or talk about regeneration of the land. Paragraph 3 merely describes the new village inhabitants - animals. Therefore, answer choice B is correct.
The correct answer is D. Answer A refers to Glenday's feelings regarding others spending time in Edinburgh, instead of him actually being there. Answer B says Glenday wished he studied in Edinburgh, and not that he did study in Edinburgh. Answer C says Glenday often traveled to Edinburgh, not that he studied there.
The correct answer is A: The answer provided correct information that was in the notes. Measles is highly contagious and there were more cases reported in the past 20 years.
Th text states that individuals such as cops, firefighters and others who develop strong leadership skills can alter the course of entire organizations and communities.
The text states that some law enforcement executives and supervisors want to be popular and ignoring problem employees usually gets them there with a small but significant and vocal portion of the agency's employees.
The text states that the main reason why unfit individuals are given a pass in positions of authority is because doing the right thing isn't easy.
The text states that inaction can damage an organization and expose it to lawsuits, loss of public trust and issues of low morale.
The text states that three north suburban men filed a federal class-action lawsuit against several north suburban police departments, the FBO, Illinois State Police, and the Lake County Sheriff's office, but does not provide information on the outcome of the lawsuit.
The text state that the consequences of ineffective leadership in police work can be devastating or dangerous to the organization and the community.
The text states that while some police executives blame unions for their inability to do their job, the author is not convinced that unions always preclude police executives from doing the right thing.