Cultural diversity can be incorporated by finding materials, activities, and historical and cultural figures that reflect the students in the classroom. When students see themselves in the curriculum, they are more engaged and invested in learning.
Based on the teacher's selection of a text that represents diverse backgrounds, there is no evidence that the teacher is intentionally failing to respect student differences. The scenario does not contain evidence of irresponsible or unethical conduct.
Backward planning promotes teachers scaffolding their lessons based on the identified learning standard and requires that assessments mirror these activities. An aligned, intentional curriculum will eliminate the large amount of unnecessary materials.
The translation of materials for parents is a service that will open communication with families and promote a positive school climate, but it is not considered an instructional strategy.
This expansion of the vertical alignment work will benefit students past the eighth grade and prepare them for the transition to high school.
The administrator's role is to communicate the vision of high expectations by using a variety of modes of communication and implementing data-driven planning. They should consistently use data to evaluate issues and measure success.
An item analysis would assist this team in looking at individual questions and the corresponding student responses to determine issues with items such as validity and difficulty. Item analysis is helpful in determining if the test is measuring what is being taught.
According to the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs), "The effective educator uses assessment to drive instruction." The instructor should analyze and apply data from homework and multiple assessments to drive the planning for classroom instruction and additional student support.
A mentoring program provides new teachers with direct contact with other professionals for ongoing support. This relationship tends to foster open communication and sharing of additional resources.
When working with novice building data teams, it is best to begin with the students that team members currently have in the classroom and evaluate data by discipline based on classroom or state standards-based tests. This is more effective when done on a regular and consistent basis and connected to student learning goals.
Family engagement nights may be somewhat helpful in meeting the cultural needs of diverse families and learners, but since these nights only reach those in attendance and those who understand the language, other actions will have a stronger effect.