FREE FCLE Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Test 1


Which of these is not your right as a citizen?

Correct! Wrong!

As a citizen, it is not your right to know your country's defense secrets. The government keeps certain information related to national security confidential to protect the country from potential threats. This includes sensitive information about defense strategies, military operations, and classified intelligence. The government has the responsibility to safeguard these secrets and only disclose them on a need-to-know basis to authorized individuals.

Fundamental duties increase the feeling of patriotism in citizens and help in the betterment of the nation.

Correct! Wrong!

Fundamental duties are a set of moral obligations that citizens are expected to fulfill towards their nation. By adhering to these duties, citizens develop a sense of responsibility and loyalty towards their country, which in turn fosters patriotism. When citizens actively participate in fulfilling their duties, it contributes to the overall betterment of the nation. Therefore, it can be concluded that fundamental duties do increase the feeling of patriotism in citizens and help in the betterment of the nation.

Which of these is your duty as a citizen?

Correct! Wrong!

As a citizen, one of your duties is to participate in the democratic process by voting in elections. This is a fundamental right and responsibility that allows citizens to have a say in the governance of their country. Lending money to a friend or taking a degree in law are not specifically mentioned as duties of a citizen.

Which of these is your duty as a citizen?

Correct! Wrong!

As a citizen, it is your duty to respect your country and contribute to its betterment. Respecting your country means showing loyalty, honor, and appreciation towards your nation, its laws, customs, and symbols. Contributing to the betterment of your country involves actively participating in activities that promote the welfare, development, and progress of your nation, such as voting, obeying laws, paying taxes, volunteering, and being informed about current events. Both A and B are essential responsibilities of a citizen in order to maintain a harmonious and thriving society.

This is not your fundamental duty as a citizen of the USA.

Correct! Wrong!

As a citizen of the USA, it is not the fundamental duty to punish criminals. The responsibility of punishing criminals lies with the law enforcement agencies and the judicial system. However, it is the duty of citizens to pay taxes and obey laws, which are essential for maintaining a functioning society.

Which of these is your right as a citizen?

Correct! Wrong!

As a citizen, you have the right to education, which ensures access to knowledge and learning opportunities. You also have the right to opinion, allowing you to freely express your thoughts and beliefs without fear of persecution. Additionally, you have the right to life, meaning that your life is protected by law and should not be unlawfully taken away. Therefore, the correct answer is "All of these" as all the mentioned rights are fundamental rights that citizens are entitled to.

As a responsible citizen of the country, one should respect its national flag.

Correct! Wrong!

Respecting the national flag is a sign of patriotism and loyalty towards one's country. It shows a sense of pride and honor for the nation and its values. As responsible citizens, it is our duty to uphold the dignity and significance of the national flag by treating it with respect and not engaging in any activities that may disrespect or dishonor it. Therefore, the statement "As a responsible citizen of the country, one should respect its national flag" is true.

How should one be aware of their rights as a citizen?

Correct! Wrong!

One should be aware of their rights as a citizen by reading the constitution. The constitution is a legal document that outlines the fundamental rights and responsibilities of citizens. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the rights and freedoms that individuals are entitled to, as well as the limitations and obligations that come with citizenship. By reading the constitution, individuals can gain knowledge about their rights, which empowers them to actively participate in society, make informed decisions, and protect their rights when necessary.

Which of these is not a right but a responsibility of a citizen?

Correct! Wrong!

Reporting a crime is not just a right but also a responsibility of a citizen. By reporting a crime, citizens contribute to maintaining law and order in society, ensuring the safety of themselves and others. It helps authorities take necessary actions against criminals and prevent further harm. Therefore, reporting a crime is a civic duty that citizens should fulfill in order to promote a safe and secure community.

Fundamental rights are only preserved for citizens who have crossed the age of maturity.

Correct! Wrong!

Fundamental rights are not only preserved for citizens who have crossed the age of maturity. Fundamental rights are guaranteed to all citizens, regardless of their age, as long as they are recognized as citizens under the law. Age does not determine the preservation of fundamental rights. Therefore, the statement is false.

Which of these is not the responsibility of a good citizen of the country?

Correct! Wrong!

A good citizen of a country has various responsibilities, such as educating others about their rights as a citizen, electing the right person to rule the country, and respecting the national anthem. However, watching patriotic movies only is not a responsibility of a good citizen. While watching patriotic movies can be a way to show love for one's country, it is not a necessary or essential responsibility. Other actions, such as actively participating in the democratic process and contributing to the betterment of society, hold more significance in being a responsible citizen.