FREE FCLE American Government and Political Institutions Test 1


According to Madison, factions arise out of

Correct! Wrong!

According to Madison, factions arise out of people's self-interest. This means that individuals form groups or factions based on their own personal interests or desires. These factions can be motivated by a desire for power, wealth, or other self-serving goals. Madison believed that factions were inevitable in a free society and that the key to managing them was through a system of checks and balances.

Tyranny within American government is most effectively prevented by:

Correct! Wrong!

A system of checks and balances is the most effective way to prevent tyranny within American government because it ensures that no single branch of government has too much power. This system allows each branch to limit the powers of the other branches, creating a system of accountability and preventing any one branch from becoming too dominant. By having separate branches with different powers and responsibilities, it helps to maintain a balance of power and protect against any potential abuse of power by any one branch.

It is often necessary for government to provide public goods because:

Correct! Wrong!

Public goods are often underproduced in a free market because of the free-rider problem. In a free market, individuals have an incentive to not pay for public goods because they can still benefit from them without contributing. This leads to underproduction of public goods because there is no profit motive for private firms to provide them. Therefore, it becomes necessary for the government to step in and provide public goods to ensure that they are adequately supplied for the benefit of society as a whole.

According to Thomas Hobbes, life without government:

Correct! Wrong!

Thomas Hobbes believed that life without government would be chaotic and violent. He argued that without a governing authority to enforce laws and maintain order, people would constantly be in conflict with one another. In this state of nature, life would be characterized by fear, violence, and a constant struggle for survival. Hobbes famously described this condition as "nasty, brutish, and short." Therefore, the correct answer is that life without government would be nasty, brutish, and short.

The president’s power to veto congressional legislation is an example of:

Correct! Wrong!

The president's power to veto congressional legislation is an example of checks and balances. This is because the power of veto allows the president to check the power of the legislative branch by rejecting bills that have been passed by Congress. This ensures that no one branch of government becomes too powerful and that there is a system of checks and balances in place to prevent abuse of power.

The preamble of the U.S. Constitution:

Correct! Wrong!

The preamble of the U.S. Constitution does not define the two central duties of the national government. Instead, it serves as an introduction to the Constitution and outlines the goals and purposes of the government, such as establishing justice, ensuring domestic tranquility, providing for the common defense, promoting the general welfare, and securing the blessings of liberty.

Which of the following substantiates the fact that political process matters?

Correct! Wrong!

The fact that the political party in power has extensive control over the policies enacted substantiates the importance of the political process. This implies that the decisions made by the party in power can greatly impact the lives of individuals and the direction of the country. It highlights the significance of participating in the political process, such as voting and engaging in political activism, in order to influence the policies that are implemented.

Checks and balances limits government power by ________________; separation of powers limits government power by _____________.

Correct! Wrong!

Checks and balances limits government power by giving each branch some power over the others. This ensures that no single branch becomes too powerful and allows for a system of checks and balances to be in place. Separation of powers limits government power by dividing the government into three branches. Each branch has distinct duties and responsibilities, which helps to prevent the concentration of power in one branch.

Collective action problems arise because each individual is ____________ off when _________ to cooperate and benefit from those who do work.

Correct! Wrong!

Collective action problems arise because each individual is better off when refusing to cooperate and benefit from those who do work. In a collective action problem, individuals have an incentive to free-ride and let others do the work while still reaping the benefits. By refusing to cooperate, individuals can avoid putting in effort and still enjoy the benefits of others' work, which ultimately makes them better off.

The size of the federal government is evidence that:

Correct! Wrong!

The size of the federal government being evidence that politics is everywhere can be explained by the fact that the federal government is responsible for making and implementing policies that affect various aspects of society. The size of the government reflects the extent to which politics permeates different sectors and areas of governance. It suggests that politics is not limited to a specific domain but rather influences and shapes various aspects of people's lives, indicating that politics is everywhere.

The Founders incorporated separation of powers, checks and balances, and federalism into the structure of American government in order to:

Correct! Wrong!

The Founders incorporated separation of powers, checks and balances, and federalism into the structure of American government in order to counter the effects of powerful factions. This was done to prevent any single group or interest from gaining too much power and potentially dominating the government. By dividing power among different branches and levels of government, it ensures that no one faction can easily control or manipulate the system. This helps to protect the rights and interests of all citizens and promotes a more balanced and representative democracy.