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(FCC) Federal Communications Commission
Free FCC Internet and Broadband Questions and Answers
If you experience issues with your broadband provider, how can you file a complaint with the FCC?
Please select 2 correct answers
By calling the FCC Consumer Complaint Center
By mailing a letter to the FCC headquarters
By using the online complaint form on the FCC’s website
By filing a complaint only after two years of unresolved issues
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What transparency requirements does the FCC impose on internet service providers (ISPs)?
Please select 3 correct answers
ISPs must provide clear and accurate information about their service terms
ISPs are required to list all network management practices
ISPs must disclose prices, data caps, and performance metrics
ISPs can keep their pricing and network management practices confidential
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What should you do if your internet service provider is not delivering the speed or quality promised in your contract?
Please select 2 correct answers
Contact the ISP to resolve the issue
File a complaint with the FCC if the issue is not resolved
Switch to another ISP without contacting customer service
Wait for the service to improve on its own
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How does the FCC promote broadband access in underserved areas?
Please select 2 correct answers
By offering subsidies to ISPs to expand coverage
By requiring ISPs to provide free internet in rural areas
By launching initiatives like the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund
By restricting broadband access to urban areas
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What protections does the FCC offer consumers related to net neutrality?
Please select 3 correct answers
ISPs cannot block lawful content, applications, or services
ISPs cannot throttle internet speeds for specific services
ISPs can prioritize certain content over others
ISPs must treat all internet traffic equally
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