The SA node is the natural pacemaker of the heart, initiating the electrical impulses that spread through the heart and are recorded in an ECG. The AV node and other components help relay the signal but do not initiate it.
The technician's role focuses on preparing the patient, placing the leads correctly, and obtaining a high-quality ECG recording.
A sinus rhythm indicates a normal heart rhythm initiated by the SA node. Other rhythms, such as ventricular fibrillation or atrial flutter, indicate abnormalities.
The P wave corresponds to the electrical activity that causes the atria to contract (depolarization). Ventricular depolarization is represented by the QRS complex, while repolarization is shown in other parts of the ECG.
Preparation focuses on understanding the heart’s anatomy, recognizing normal and abnormal rhythms, and mastering ECG procedures. Surgical and pharmacological knowledge are not directly relevant to ECG certification exams.