FREE EAP Sentence Meaning Questions and Answers


At only 43, John F. Kennedy was the _____ American president ever to be elected.

Correct! Wrong!

"Youngest" is the superlative form of the adjective "young," indicating the lowest age in a comparison. In this context, it correctly describes John F. Kennedy as the president elected at the lowest age compared to others. "Most young" is incorrect because "young" is already a superlative adjective. "More young" and "younger" are comparative forms, which do not fit the context of the sentence.

When the popular entertainer canceled her appearance, the Latin American festival was postponed indefinitely.

When will the festival likely take place?

Correct! Wrong!

The word "indefinitely" suggests that there is no specific time set for the festival to take place after the entertainer cancels her appearance. It implies that the festival will not occur in the near future but could potentially be rescheduled for a later, unspecified date. Therefore, option D, "Many weeks later," is the most appropriate choice. Options A, B, and C suggest specific timeframes, which are contradicted by the term "indefinitely."

After we saw the play, we had different opinions _____ Vincent’s performance.

Correct! Wrong!

The correct preposition to use in this context is "about." When expressing opinions or thoughts regarding someone or something, the preposition "about" is commonly used. So, the sentence should read, "After we saw the play, we had different opinions about Vincent's performance."

Sonia is so determined and stubborn that she never _____ until she gets exactly what she wants.

Correct! Wrong!

"Gives up" means to stop trying to achieve something. In the context of the sentence, it conveys the idea that Sonia persists until she achieves her desired outcome. "Gives out," "gave in," and "gave away" do not accurately convey the sense of persistence or determination implied in the sentence.

As demonstrated by his last album, which was released after his death, Ibrahim Ferrer _____ one of the most beautiful voices in Latin music.

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is "A. had" because it agrees with the past tense of the sentence. "Had" is the past tense form of the verb "have," which is appropriate in this context to indicate possession or possession in the past.

Shikibu Murasaki, who wrote almost a thousand years ago, was one of the world’s _____ novelists.

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is "D. earliest" because it correctly describes Shikibu Murasaki as one of the earliest novelists in the world. This choice uses the superlative form "earliest" to indicate that Murasaki wrote novels at a very early period compared to other novelists.

The Chang children _____ their parents by making sandwiches for the whole family.

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is "A. helped out" because it correctly completes the sentence grammatically and idiomatically. "Helped out" is the correct phrasal verb to indicate assisting someone with a task or responsibility.

As we drove through the darkness, we saw another car coming _____ the bend in the road.

Correct! Wrong!

In this context, "around" is the most appropriate choice. It indicates the movement of another car coming from the direction of the bend in the road. "Through," "under," and "over" do not accurately convey the idea of a vehicle navigating a bend in the road.

Elena found a tomato that was much bigger than all the others in the garden.

How did the tomato compare to the others in the garden?

Correct! Wrong!

The sentence states that the tomato Elena found was "much bigger than all the others in the garden." This indicates that the tomato was larger than all the others, making it the largest among them. Therefore, option D, "It was the largest," is the correct answer. Options A, B, and C suggest that the tomato was not the largest, which contradicts the information provided in the sentence.

Having recorded many of the most beloved songs of the 1940s, jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald _____ one of the most prominent musical performers of her time.

Correct! Wrong!

In this context, the past tense "was" is appropriate because it refers to Ella Fitzgerald's status as one of the most prominent musical performers during the 1940s, which is a past period. The past perfect "had been" would suggest a sequence of events in the past, but here, a simple past tense is sufficient to convey the intended meaning.

Jasmine is never late to meet her friends and sometimes arrives a few minutes early.

Which best describes Jasmine?

Correct! Wrong!

The passage states that Jasmine is "never late to meet her friends" and "sometimes arrives a few minutes early." This indicates that Jasmine is consistently on time or even early for appointments, demonstrating punctuality. Therefore, option B, "Punctual," best describes Jasmine's behavior. Options A, C, and D do not accurately reflect Jasmine's timeliness.