Please select 2 correct answers
Using a deployment package file from your function app, you may execute your functions directly in Azure.
Your files can also be deployed at the d:homesite.
Your function app's wwwroot directory can be found in the A above.
Simply add a WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE setting to your function app settings to enable your function
app to operate from a package.
Note: For a function app, the host.json metadata file provides global configuration settings that apply to all
Include a.deployment file in the repository root if you want to modify your deployment.
You only need to add a file with the name.deployment and the following contents to the root of your
command is your order to proceed with deployment.
This command can simply be the execution of a script (batch file) that contains all the necessary
information for your deployment, such as copying files from the repository to the web root directory.
Please select 2 correct answers
Any back-end pool can use the host override feature specified in the HTTP settings when a rule is created.
the capacity to determine the host name from the members of the back-end pool's IP address or FQDN.
If configured with the option to derive host name from a certain back-end pool member, HTTP settings now
offer the ability to dynamically choose the host name from a back-end pool member's FQDN.
SSL termination and end-to-end encryption with multi-tenant services.
Trusted Azure services, like Azure App Service web apps, do not need the backends to be whitelisted in the
application gateway when using end-to-end SSL.
As a result, no further authentication certificates are required.
Please select 2 correct answers
External file trigger, input, and output bindings are supported by Azure Functions. These bindings establish
new API connections with SaaS providers or make use of already established API connections from the
resource group of your Function App.
Please select 3 correct answers
You might find some database columns that the recommendations engine has recommended for masking
on the Dynamic Data Masking setup page. Simply click Add Mask for one or more columns to accept the
suggestions, and a mask based on the column's default type is generated. By selecting the masking rule and
changing the masking field's format to one of your choosing, you can modify the masking function.
Reduce the amount of layers.
Prior to Docker 17.05 and even more so before Docker 1.10, it was crucial to keep the amount of layers in
your image to a minimum.
Only the RUN, COPY, and ADD directives can construct layers with Docker 1.10 and later.
The az batch pool create command can be used to construct a pool of compute nodes. The example that
follows establishes a pool called mypool with 2 nodes that are Standard_A1_v2 in size and running Ubuntu
16.04 LTS. For this brief example, the recommended node size strikes a fair compromise between
performance and expense. construct a batch pool in az
--vm-size Standard_A1_v2 --id mypool
two --target-dedicated-nodes
Canonical image for Ubuntu Server 16.04-LTS
""batch.node.Ubuntu 16.04"" is the node agent's SKU ID.
Scenario: In order to secure the LabelMaker applications, an AAD account that has complete access to the
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster's namespaces must be used.
A ClusterRoleBinding or RoleBinding can be used to provide permissions cluster-wide or within a namespace.