FREE CPL Aircraft General Knowledge Questions and Answers


During a glide descent carb heat should be applied in the following manner.

Correct! Wrong!

When it comes to carb ice prevention is better than cure. Applying carb heat before closing the throttle helps prevent formation. Removing before re-application of power ensures when you apply power, you have full power available. As we know from our carb heat test during our run-ups, we are 100-150 rpm lower with carb heat applied.

Gas-filled pipes routed around abnormal heat sources using linear pneumatic sensing systems are:

Correct! Wrong!

Detection uses a linear pneumatic sensing system, known as fire loops. These are gas-filled pipes routed around abnormal heat sources. If the temperature in the vicinity of the sensor pipes rises, the electrical resistance in the core material decreases. This decrease in electrical resistance is triggered by the warning system. They use duplicated loops to allow for continued detection if a single loop is faulty or has been activated. Damage to a loop will cause a false warning. Always check them before the flight.

Detonation in AVGAS is reduced by fuel companies adding certain compounds. Fuel then has an octane rating. Typical blue AVGAS is approximately:

Correct! Wrong!

The main difference between 100LL (100 octane) and 100/130 relates to the minimum octane rating prescribed and different fuel mixtures (100 lean and 130 rich). This is the most simple explanation as to why they need different colors. Blue will always be 100LL, whereas 100/130 is green.

A typical piston aircraft engine would have a thermal efficiency of approximately:

Correct! Wrong!

This means 70% of all energy produced is lost as heat, friction, or exhaust gasses.

When fuel enters the combustion chamber from the carby it is:

Correct! Wrong!

The fuel has been vaporized by fast-moving air and is suspended in the air as a gas.

The volumetric efficiency of an engine is best when:

Correct! Wrong!

Volumetric efficiency is essentially the amount of air that enters the cylinder before it fills up or the valve closes. This is compared to the maximum, to determine how efficient the engine is operating. At low altitudes, the air is more dense so you will be using up less space in the cylinders for a greater chunk of air. The same if for cold air. At full throttle the valves are open for a shorter period however the throttle butterfly valve allows more fuel/air mixture to pass into the cylinder. Superchargers and turbochargers are another way to increase volumetric efficiency.

The strength or power that acts on a piston during the power stroke is dependent on:

Correct! Wrong!

This question sounds confusing at first but think about the orientation of the engine in the engine bay. The fuel/air mixture from the carburetor enters the engine at the top. This means that the piston will move down first (to draw in the fuel) then up (to compress the mixture), down (to get the power after ignition), and up again for the exhaust stroke.

The valves in a four-stroke engine open and close:

Correct! Wrong!

The exhaust closes around 15° after TDC.
The exhaust opens around 55° before BDC.
The inlet opens around 15° before TDC.
The inlet closes around 60° after BDC.

Detonation in aircraft engines is caused by:

Correct! Wrong!

High octane fuel burns slower with a more controlled and precise burn, which produces more power. Low-octane fuel burns rapidly and can explode under pressure. Fuel with lower than specified octane or old fuel that has lost octane can cause detonation on the compression stroke which may cause engine failure and/or serious damage.

The application of carb heat should instantly make the engine run smoother.

Correct! Wrong!

In an aircraft with CSU, applying carb heat with ice present will:

Correct! Wrong!

On the ground with the prop fully fine, the RPM will drop for as long as carby heat is applied. With the prop fully fine, it acts the same way as a fixed pitch. The propeller cannot go any more fine once it reaches the pitch stops resulting in the drop in RPM.