CPCT (Certified Patient Care Technicians)

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Which three of the following are fundamental cell structure elements?

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In sexually reproducing species, gametes are the reproductive cells. They are in charge of passing genetic information from one generation to the following. Gametes are not commonly regarded as basic structural elements of the cell, despite the fact that centrioles, the Golgi apparatus, and the nucleus all exist there. Gametes are specialized cells that play a specific role in sexual reproduction and are created during the meiotic cell division process.

What does a green stopper on tube often contain?

Correct! Wrong!

Thrombin is an enzyme that encourages blood coagulation. Therefore, it is improbable that thrombin would be present in a tube with a green stopper.

A CPU can perform all of the following, with the exception :

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is displaying the processed information on a screen. This is not a function of the CPU, but rather a function of the output device, such as a monitor or a printer. The CPU does not directly interact with the output device, but rather sends the processed information to the memory or the input/output controller, which then transfers it to the output device.

The preferred artery for collecting ABG is?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is radial. The radial artery is the artery of choice for ABG collection because it is easily accessible, has good collateral circulation, and has fewer complications than other arteries. The brachial artery is an alternative site for ABG collection, but it is deeper, more painful, and has a higher risk of nerve injury than the radial artery.

A clinical laboratory's "path of workflow" includes everything except:

Correct! Wrong!

"Overseen by the hospital administrator through periodic reports" is the appropriate response. This is due to the fact that the hospital administration often does not monitor the clinical laboratory's workflow through routine reporting. The preanalytical, analytical, and post-analytical procedures are all included in the path of workflow, which describes the stages required to offer a good or service in a laboratory. To assure accuracy and quality, it is continuously evaluated by quality indicators. However, rather than the hospital administrator, laboratory supervisors or managers are often in charge of overseeing and managing the workflow.

Even when adequate technique is utilized, which of the following arterial puncture complications occurs most frequently?

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Even when adequate technique is utilized, arterial puncture complications most frequently include artery spasm. As a natural reaction of the body to the injury brought on by the puncture, arteriospasm is the abrupt constriction of the artery. This restriction may cause blood flow to diminish, making it challenging to take a blood sample or carry out treatments. Due to individual variances in vascular reactivity, arteriospasm might still happen even when utilizing the right approach. Although arteriospasm is the most frequent consequence, hematoma, infection, and thrombus development are also possible outcomes.

Which of the following scenarios justifies excluding a sample from testing?

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A potassium specimen that has been kept on ice will not pass muster for testing. This is due to the possibility that placing the specimen on ice could change its potassium content, producing unreliable test findings. To preserve the integrity of the specimen and ensure reliable test findings, it is crucial to adhere to suitable handling and storage methods.

AV dissociation typically happens when:

Correct! Wrong!

Third-degree AV block, in which all electrical signals between the atria and ventricles are completely blocked, is the condition when AV dissociation happens most frequently. However, albeit less frequently, left anterior hemiblock can also result in AV dissociation. A conduction defect called left anterior hemiblock in the left bundle branch of the heart's electrical system can interfere with the normal communication between the atria and ventricles, which can result in AV dissociation.

What do the EKG waves reflect?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is both depolarization and repolarization. The waves that can be seen on the EKG reflect the electrical activity of the heart muscle cells as they undergo changes in their membrane potential. Depolarization is the process of becoming more positive inside, which triggers contraction. Repolarization is the process of becoming more negative inside, which allows relaxation.

Citrate inhibits thrombin, which stops bleeding.

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is False. Citrate prevents clotting by chelating free ionized calcium, making it unavailable for use in the coagulation system.

A blood bank is also known as?

Correct! Wrong!

Immunohematology is the branch of hematology (study of blood) that deals with the study of blood groups and the compatibility of blood for transfusion. It encompasses the ABO and Rh blood grouping systems, as well as other blood group antigens. The term "blood bank" is often used interchangeably with immunohematology because blood banks are the facilities where blood is collected, processed, tested, and stored for transfusion.