FREE CPCS Basic Questions and Answers


Credentialing rules and procedures that apply to all practitioners who care for the members of the organization must be documented by HPs and MBHOs.

Correct! Wrong!

Although PSV is not necessary, professional liability insurance is frequently needed in the healthcare industry, thus it is appropriate to verify coverage.

Correct! Wrong!

Verification from the medical school or an approved PSV is necessary.

Correct! Wrong!

CMS does not provide information on how license sanctions are evaluated; nonetheless, the interpretation guidelines mention prioritizing criteria that take into account an individual's character.

Correct! Wrong!

Board certification is not mentioned in the CMS requirements expressly. The medical staff must take into account all aspects of training and professional education when making recommendations; they cannot rely their decisions only on board certification.

Correct! Wrong!

Verification from the medical school or an approved PSV is necessary.

Correct! Wrong!

According to the Staye Law, the Governing Body decides which kind of practitioners can be appointed to the medical staff. The medical personnel should, at the very least, consist of MDs and DOs.

Correct! Wrong!

If professional liability coverage is mandated by medical staff bylaws, policies, or rules and regulations, PSV is not needed.

Correct! Wrong!

The medical personnel needs a way to look through records of their experiences and training.

Correct! Wrong!

The organization confirms that the practitioner holds a valid license in the states where the practitioner treats members of the organization and that the practitioner's current license or certification is current, valid, and on file at the time the Credentialing Committee renders its decision.

Correct! Wrong!

Before being sent to each client, the credentials information must be accurate, up to date, and validated within 305 calendar days.

Correct! Wrong!