PRN means "when necessary" and comes from the Latin phrase pro re nata.
An episiorrhaphy is the surgical repair of injury to the vulva by suturing. The root "episi/o" refers to vulva; "rrhaphy" is surgical repair.
Bradyphasia is abnormal slowness of speech. "Brady" refers to slowness; "phasia" refers to speech.
A congenital defect in which the urethra opens on the underside of the penis or the perineum is called hypospadias. If the opening is on the upper aspect (dorsum) of the penis, it is called epispadias
Oxygenated blood from the lungs returns to the left atrium via the left and right pulmonary veins.
Peyer's patches are found in the lining of the intestine and help to protect against invading microorganisms.
A choledochal cyst is a cyst originating from the common bile duct. "Choledoch/o" refers to the common bile duct.
The meninges serve as a protective covering for the brain and the spinal cord. The meninges from the inner layer to the outer layer are the pia mater, arachnoid, and dura mater. The "dura mater" means "hard mother", and is the outer layer where the toughest layer is needed. In contrast, "pia mater" means "tender mother".
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses magnets, radio waves, and a computer to display detailed pictures of the inside of the body. Tomography uses waves of energy to create three-dimensional, computer-generated images of any internal structure. Computed tomography is cross-sectional images of the body obtained by a narrow beam of X-rays that quickly rotates around the body.
Orchitis refers to inflammation of the testes, typically caused by an infection. It can result in pain, swelling, and discomfort in the affected testicle.
Ascites refers to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. It often indicates underlying liver disease, heart failure, or certain cancers.