When driving in rural or country areas, there are several special situations that require your attention. You may encounter unmarked railroad crossings or hidden intersections.
Because of their size, trucks and buses need longer distances to slow down. When you pass and reenter the lane in front of them, it's important to maintain a constant speed to ensure they have enough space to adjust their speed safely.
According to the Colorado Driving Act, a driver with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) between 0.05% and 0.07% is presumed to be Driving While Ability to drive is Impaired (DWAI). If a driver's BAC is 0.08% or greater, the driver is presumed to be Driving Under the Influence (DUI).
When vehicles meet on a steep, narrow road that is not wide enough for two vehicles, the vehicle going downhill must yield right away. It must stop at, or back up, a wider place to sufficient spce for the vehicle going uphill, unless it is more practical for the vehicle going uphill to return to a wider space.
This gives other drivers and pedestrians enough time to understand your intentions and adjust their actions accordingly. Signaling helps maintain safety on the road by preventing misunderstandings and potential accidents.