FREE CMAT Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers


Each question has a word followed by four choices. From the choices, identify the one that is opposite in meaning (Antonym) to the main word:

Correct! Wrong!

AGGRAVATE means: Make (a problem, injury, or offense) worse or more serious.

Ameliorate means: Make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better.

From the choices, select the most suitable synonym (a word that means the same) for the main word:

Correct! Wrong!

ABSTRACT means: Existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.

For the word given below, a contextual usage is provided. Pick the word from the alternatives that are most appropriate in the given context.

PUGNACIOUSLY: Roosevelt had said pugnaciously that it would count in the end not who fired the first shot but who fired the last.

Correct! Wrong!

PUGNACIOUSLY means: Combative in nature.

From the choices, select the most suitable synonym (a word that means the same) for the main word:

Correct! Wrong!

COMPLACENT means: marked by self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies.

From the choices, identify the one that is opposite in meaning (Antonym) to the main word:

Correct! Wrong!

CONSIDERATE means: showing kind awareness or regard for other's feelings, circumstances, etc.

Indifferent means: without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic
Example sentence: The king remained indifferent to the sufferings of his people.

For the word given below, a contextual usage is provided. Pick the word from the alternatives that are most appropriate in the given context:

OBLIVIOUS: The minister seemed oblivious to the prejudices that prevailed in the village.

Correct! Wrong!

OBLIVIOUS means: Not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one.

Compared to, the year 2000, the number of people suffering from hypertension increased by 60% and the number of doctors in the city increased by 30%.

Each of the following if true, could help explain the increase in the number of doctors, except:

Correct! Wrong!

The question requires the test taker to analyze the four given options and then figure out the option that is not a factor for the rise in the number of doctors in the city.
Options 1,2 and 3 are all reasonable factors for the rise in the number of doctors in the city. Option 4 is not the reason for the rise in number of doctors in the city. So option 4 is the correct answer.


I purchased the original genuine CD of XYZ software. The software worked flawlessly on my computer and I was very happy with it until I spoke to a friend and came to know that even he had purchased the same software, but a pirated copy, at one-tenth of the price that I paid for the software. He is very happy with the software and on his PC too, the software works flawlessly. All this has made me regret my decision to buy a genuine copy of the software instead of the pirated one.

Which of the following, if true would weaken the above conclusion?

Correct! Wrong!

The question requires the test taker to analyze the four given options and then figure out the option that would make the conclusion of the passage weak.
In the passage, the person regrets his decision to buy a genuine copy of the software instead of the pirated one. So if option 3 is true. Then the person made the right decision by buying a genuine copy of the software. This option definitely weakens the conclusion.
So the correct answer is option 3.

From the choices, identify the one that is opposite in meaning (Antonym) to the main word:

Correct! Wrong!

IMMACULATE means: Perfectly clean, neat, or tidy. Free from flaws or mistakes.

For the word given below, a contextual usage is provided. Pick the word from the alternatives that is most appropriate in the given context.

BONHOMIE: Another aspect of Islam's utilitarian paradox has been its bonhomie with authoritarian regime.

Correct! Wrong!

BONHOMIE means: A pleasant and affable disposition

Read the passage carefully and answer the question.

In the last few years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of car owners in the country. On the other hand, there is an economic boom and there is double-digit growth in almost all sectors in all the industries.

Each of the following if true, could help explain the increase in the number of car owners in the country, except:

Correct! Wrong!

The question requires the test taker to analyze the four given options and then figure out the option that is not a factor for the rise in the number of car owners in the country.
Options 1,2 and 4 are all reasonable factors for the rise in the number of car owners in the city. Option 3 is not the reason for the rise in number of car owners in the country. So option 3 is the correct answer.