Clinical Nurse Leader Exam

FREE Clinical Nurse Leader Questions and Answers


Nurses will be represented in collective bargaining by the CNL. The union wants to maximize wage and benefit gains while the management wants to retain the status quo and provide as little as possible. The opposite side loses if one side prevails. Collective bargaining of this kind is:

Correct! Wrong!

Distributive: Win-lose bargaining, also known as zero sum, competitive, or win-lose negotiation, where one side benefits and the other suffers. This is how collective bargaining has always been conducted. Integrative: This is a win-win form of negotiation where both parties make an effort to find a compromise. Productivity, skills, and knowledge are all important for settlement. Composite: Unions bargain for wages as well as standards; for instance, they can demand input on workplace customs and environmental dangers.

Electronic medical records (EMR) are replacing paper records in the hospital, and the CNL is a part of the committee that chose a vendor. Which of the following has to be finished in order to make a decision?

Correct! Wrong!

Completing a needs assessment is the most important step in choosing an electronic medical record system. Most companies offer various bundles and EMRs with various features. The EMR may need to be adaptable because different hospital departments may have varied needs. For instance, the EMR for the emergency department may have quite different requirements than the EMR for pediatrics, which may need to be set up to assess growth and offer information about childhood immunizations.

The majority of the interdisciplinary team members support the CNL in making the improvements it has identified to improve client outcomes and promote safety. Two team members are persistently opposed to change, and they are debating with other team members in an effort to persuade them to share their views. The CNL's BEST course of action is to:

Correct! Wrong!

Because resistance to change is so typical, it might be ineffective to call out or discipline reluctant team members. Asking the team members who are reluctant to change to play active roles in enabling change, empowering them, and fostering trust is the best course of action. People frequently oppose change because they don't know how it will directly affect them, especially if they feel as though they will have less control over their actions or decision-making.

What is the main distinction between a data mart and a data warehouse?

Correct! Wrong!

The smaller data mart is a part of the bigger data warehouse. A data warehouse is often a sizable database that houses all of an organization's data and is open to data mining. A data mart houses all of the data for a smaller area, like a single department or healthcare system. For instance, if a number of related hospitals are represented in the database, each one might have a unique data mart housing its own set of information.

Which expenses in a healthcare company are typically fixed when looking at the budget?

Correct! Wrong!

Administrative wages, depreciation of buildings and equipment, and utilities are examples of fixed costs that are constant and do not change based on volume or productivity. The amount of variable costs might vary greatly based on the clientele and other elements. Medical supplies, surgical supplies, meal expenditures, and laundry costs are examples of variable costs. One organization may have different fixed and variable costs than another. For instance, nursing expenses might be fixed costs if the FTE hours stay the same, but they might be variable costs if they change in accordance with the census.

The CNL has performed preliminary interviews and will send three candidates to a peer interview with other team members in order to fill a vacancy on the nursing team. The team members will have the final say in any hiring. As a result, the following is the most crucial consideration when choosing between three candidates:

Correct! Wrong!

Peer dynamics are frequently different from those between a leader and employees, and the peer group may have different goals, so if the CNL is delegating the hiring decision to a peer interview team, the CNL should only choose individuals that the CNL would be willing to hire. Even while selecting only individuals with the best credentials may seem like a smart idea, a person's abilities do not decide whether or not they will make a good team member.

The CNL Standards of Conduct state that showing consideration for, speaking out for, and recognizing the opinions and values of others is related to:

Correct! Wrong!

Altruism is defined by the CNL Standards of Conduct as having concern for and advocating for the wellbeing of clients and employees as well as exhibiting knowledge of the ideas and values of others. Accountability is the use of authority and rights to perform competently. Integrity is the ability to carry out practice in an ethical manner and in accordance with professional norms. Social justice involves ensuring that patients are treated fairly and without discrimination in compliance with the law on access to care. Respecting the individual and populations, maintaining confidentiality and privacy, and offering treatment that is culturally sensitive are all examples of exhibiting human dignity.