FREE CJBAT Deductive Reasoning Test 2


Which of these is an element of the theory of universal inductive inference?

Correct! Wrong!

Algorithmic probability is an element of the theory of universal inductive inference. This theory aims to find a general method for making predictions based on limited data. Algorithmic probability is a measure of the likelihood of a particular outcome occurring based on a specific algorithm. It provides a framework for determining the probability of different events or hypotheses given the available data. By incorporating algorithmic probability into inductive inference, it becomes possible to make more accurate predictions and generalize from limited observations.

Which of these is a generalization fallacy?

Correct! Wrong!

A generalization fallacy occurs when a conclusion is drawn about a whole group based on a biased or unrepresentative sample. Biased sample is the correct answer as it refers to the error of making generalizations about a population based on a sample that is not representative of the whole group. This fallacy ignores the diversity and variations within the population, leading to inaccurate or misleading conclusions.

One of these is a critic of inductive reasoning?

Correct! Wrong!

Karl Popper is a critic of inductive reasoning. He argued that inductive reasoning, which involves making generalizations based on specific observations or examples, is not a valid method for establishing scientific knowledge. Popper believed that scientific theories should be subject to rigorous testing and falsification, rather than relying on inductive reasoning to support their validity. He proposed the concept of falsifiability, which states that a scientific theory should be able to be proven false through empirical evidence. This critique of inductive reasoning has had a significant impact on the philosophy of science.

Inductive reasoning starts with a?

Correct! Wrong!

Inductive reasoning starts with a conclusion because it is a form of reasoning that involves making generalizations based on specific observations or evidence. In this process, one begins with specific instances and then draws a broader conclusion or generalization based on those instances. The conclusion acts as the starting point for the reasoning process, from which the individual then looks for patterns or connections to form a hypothesis or theory. Therefore, the correct answer is "conclusion".

In which year was the Theory of Universal Inductive Inference founded?

Correct! Wrong!

The Theory of Universal Inductive Inference was founded in 1960.

Inductive reasoning is also known as...

Correct! Wrong!

Inductive reasoning involves drawing general conclusions based on specific observations or examples. It is the process of constructing hypotheses or generalizations from limited information. This involves making educated guesses or predictions about future events based on past experiences or patterns. Therefore, the term "Hypothesis construction" accurately describes the process of inductive reasoning.

Who created the Theory of Universal Inductive Inference?

Correct! Wrong!

John Locke

One of the skeptics of inductive reasoning include...

Correct! Wrong!

Sextus Empiricus is one of the skeptics of inductive reasoning. He was a Greek philosopher who belonged to the Pyrrhonist school of skepticism. Sextus Empiricus argued that knowledge cannot be attained through inductive reasoning because it is based on subjective experiences and perceptions, which can vary from person to person. He believed that we should suspend judgment on all matters and refrain from making any claims about the nature of reality. Sextus Empiricus' skepticism challenges the reliability and validity of inductive reasoning, making him a notable critic of this method.

The classic philosophical treatment of the problem of induction was given by the Scottish philosopher...

Correct! Wrong!

David Hume is the correct answer because he is widely known for his influential work on the problem of induction. Hume argued that induction, the process of reasoning from observed instances to general conclusions, cannot be justified rationally. He highlighted the problem of induction by questioning the assumption that the future will resemble the past based on past experiences. Hume's skepticism towards induction has had a significant impact on the philosophy of science and continues to be a topic of debate and discussion.

A generalization proceeds from a premise to a...

Correct! Wrong!

A generalization proceeds from a premise to a conclusion. It is a process of drawing a broad statement or idea based on specific instances or evidence. The premise serves as the starting point or evidence, and from there, a conclusion is derived. This conclusion is a general statement that applies to a larger group or situation beyond the specific instances mentioned in the premise. Generalizations help to simplify complex information and make broader claims based on the available evidence.

What are the 2 types of logic?

Correct! Wrong!

Deductive and inductive are the two types of logic. Deductive logic involves reasoning from general principles to specific conclusions, using syllogisms and formal rules. It is based on the idea that if the premises are true, then the conclusion must also be true. Inductive logic, on the other hand, involves reasoning from specific observations or examples to general conclusions. It is based on the idea that if the premises are true, then the conclusion is likely to be true, but not necessarily certain.