Line 5 states that the motorcycle has the same country of origin as the vehicles next to the German car. Line 2 states that only Dutch vehicles are next to the German car. This means the motorcycle is Dutch and the statement is true.
Line 6 states that the motorcycle is half the size of the German car and line 3 states that the bus is two times bigger than the German car. Therefore the motorcycle is four times smaller than the bus. The statement is false.
There are no direct or indirect comparisons made between the size of the bicycle and the motorcycle. Therefore there is insufficient information to consider the statement true or false.
4 tubes of paint can cover 8 square feet of canvas. The total total square feet of canvas in the package is 7,5 (1x1,5 + 2x3). Therefore the statement is true.
There are no direct or indirect statements about the number of sales of tubes of paint. Therefore there is insufficient information to consider the statement true or false.
The separate products of the beginners package cost $26 (22+4) together.
The two canvases without the four tubes of paint cost $20 together (26 - 4x1.50). The large canvas is four times as expensive as the small canvas (1,5 square feet vs 6 square feet). Knowing the 1:4 ratio, the $20 is made up of $4 for the small canvas and $16 for the large canvas. Therefore the statement is false.
We know that Abby lives in a small apartment, and we know that small apartments have one bedroom. Therefore we can conclude that Abby's apartment has one bedroom.
If Kate visited three countries, it means that John visited exactly the same countries - no more (second condition) and no less (last condition). According to the last condition, if Kate had visited Qatar, John would have had to visit there too. However, this contradicts the third condition. Therefore we conclude that Kate did not visit Qatar and, therefore, neither did John, which leaves Lenny. Whoever visited Qatar could not have been to Peru as well (fifth condition); therefore it must have been Kate and John who visited Peru. Answer choice A states exactly that.
It is the only answer that meets the criteria written above; all sales paid with Bitcoins are prone to a special tax deduction. Therefore, a $72 sale paid with Bitcoins is included. •Note that a $90 sale paid with a credit card is not the correct answer since the rule refers to all sales above $90 paid with a credit card.
A question of the type Identifying the Assumption of the argument has two parts: You must first locate the argument (the conclusion) and then ask yourself what must be true (assumed) so that the argument is valid or true. This passage has two sentences only, and the argument is repeated in both: developing a drought-resistant species of grass is essential for the age of future global warming. Now, read through each answer choice and look for an assumption, or what must be true, so that developing a drought-resistant species of grass is essential. Do not be misguided by all of the answer choices that repeat valid claims from the passage; you are looking for an underlying assumption – precisely something that does not explicitly appear in the passage. The argument states that a future climate of global warming necessitates developing strains of drought-resistant grass. The assumption this argument rests on is that people will continue to grow grass lawns in the future era of global warming.