Witness A stayed outside the bar for several minutes longer than Witness B, and Witness B spent several minutes longer outside the bar than Witness C; thus, of all the witnesses, Witness A spent the longest interval outside the bar.
Ford, Mercedes, and Audi are all vehicle manufacturers; Alaska is a state, so it is the odd one out.
The sequence counts down from 20, so the correct next entry would be the number 15.
Since Adam is to the left of Brian, and Brian is to the left of Charlie, Adam must be to the left of Brian and also to the left of Charlie. Therefore, Brian must be to the right of Adam.
The sequence starts with 2 and 3. The subsequent numbers are:
1st number: 2
2nd number: 3
3rd number: 2 + 3 = 5
4th number: 3 + 5 = 8
5th number: 5 + 8 = 13