Childbirth Educator

FREE Childbirth Educator Program Questions and Answers


the positional changes that allow the fetus to fit through the pelvis with the least resistance.

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An abortion, in the context of pregnancy, typically refers to a pregnancy that ends before reaching 20 weeks of gestation. This can be due to various reasons, including natural miscarriage or induced abortion.


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describe a woman who has been pregnant one or more times, regardless of the outcomes of those pregnancies. It indicates that the woman has experienced multiple pregnancies.

early decelerations

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temporary, gradual decreases in the fetal heart rate (FHR) during contractions, where the FHR always returns to the baseline rate by the end of the contractions. These decelerations typically mirror the timing and shape of the contractions and are considered a normal response to uterine contractions. Early decelerations are often associated with head compression during contractions and are not usually a cause for concern in labor and delivery.