Many concepts are compared to a reference concept using a Pugh matrix to determine their strengths and weaknesses. The base concept or datum is another name for the reference concept.
A 5S can be utilized in six sigma to lessen waste. Lean sigma's 5S method assures tidy and efficient workstation arrangement. This contributes to the process's increased stability.
An issue is precisely described in a problem statement. A problem statement facilitates understanding of the issue or problem and enables team members to take charge of the solution process.
Typically, quality means going above and beyond for the client. The customer experience and his perception of quality will be improved by the service and repair policies following the purchase of the goods.
A metric used in lean six sigma to gauge process performance is defects per million opportunities (DPMO).
The defect-to-opportunity ratio (DPMO) is the ratio of opportunities to defects multiplied by one million.
To obtain accurate information on the desired area of interest, data collecting is a systematic way of obtaining data from numerous sources. Knowing where to obtain data and how to use it to produce the required results is a statistician's most crucial skill.
The black belt is frequently referred to as a "change agent." Change is challenging and unclear. The change agent aids organizations in overcoming their fear of the unknown.
The process of coding involves classifying and putting quantitative and qualitative data into categories for analysis. Accuracy and precision are not decreased during the coding process.
A cross-functional team is a collection of individuals with various functional skill sets that collaborate to achieve a single organizational goal.
MSA is a tool for calculating the degree of measurement system variance. To reduce measurement system variation, techniques for measuring measurement variance and process variance are used.
Bias is the term used in statistics to describe the discrepancy between the sample's results and the population as a whole.
A tree diagram starts with a central issue and spreads out to other issues until the central issue is resolved. The tree diagram facilitates the six sigma team's systematic transition from the general to the specific.
The discrepancy between the population estimated by the sample and the actual population is what leads to sampling error. The observation of the sample rather than the entire population is what led to this inaccuracy.
A relationship matrix connects the what and the how. This matrix represents new business development. This matrix aids in establishing the connection between the features of the product and the needs of the consumer.
A SWOT analysis examines an organization's internal and external environments. Internal analysis identifies strengths and weaknesses, and external analysis identifies opportunities.
TQM was discovered and used for product quality control in the 1920s. Feigenbaum made further modifications to this idea.