Certified Registered Nurse First Assistant (CRNFA)

FREE Certified Registered Nurse First Assistant MCQ Questions and Answers


This ligament is made up of two peritoneal folds that stretch laterally, posteriorly, and downward from the uterus.

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The broad ligament is a double fold of peritoneum that extends from the sides of the uterus laterally, downward, and posteriorly to attach to the pelvic sidewalls. It provides support and stability to the uterus and contains various structures such as the fallopian tubes, blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics.

What does the Chvostek symbol mean?

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Chvostek sign is a clinical sign that indicates hypocalcemia, which is a low level of calcium in the blood. It is named after the physician who first described it, František Chvostek.

Which of the following constructions should be avoided and an early identification made during TAH?

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During a total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH), it is crucial to make an early identification of the ureters and avoid injuring them. The ureters are the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. They run alongside the uterus and can be at risk during the surgical procedure if not carefully identified and protected.

The ureters can be damaged during TAH due to their close proximity to the uterus and the surgical field. Injury to the ureters can result in complications such as urinary leakage, infection, or obstruction of urine flow. Therefore, it is essential for the surgeon and the surgical team to be aware of the ureters' location and take appropriate measures to prevent injury.

Nerves to watch out for when having the thyroid removed?

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What are the names of stitches that are applied horizontally to the wound?

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Stitches that are placed horizontally across the wound are called "horizontal mattress" stitches. The horizontal mattress suture is a technique commonly used in wound closure to provide extra strength and support, particularly in areas where tension or wound edge eversion is a concern.

The horizontal mattress stitch involves passing the needle through the skin on one side of the wound, then crossing over to the opposite side of the wound and passing the needle back through the skin. This creates a horizontal loop that sits on the surface of the skin. The process is repeated, alternating sides of the wound, resulting in a series of horizontal loops across the wound.

The uterus's upper, dome-like section is referred to as the?

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The upper dome-like portion of the uterus is referred to as the fundus. The fundus is the rounded top region of the uterus, situated above the entrance of the fallopian tubes. It is the broadest and most superior part of the uterus.

During pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus is the area where the growing fetus is typically located. As the uterus expands, the fundus rises higher in the abdomen. Palpating or measuring the height of the fundus is a common technique used to assess the growth and position of the fetus during prenatal care.

What nerve damage following thyroid surgery would cause hoarseness?

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After thyroidectomy, damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) would account for hoarseness. The RLN is a branch of the vagus nerve that supplies the muscles controlling the vocal cords. During thyroidectomy, the RLN can be at risk of injury due to its close proximity to the thyroid gland.

If the RLN is damaged during surgery, it can result in vocal cord paralysis or paresis on the affected side. This can lead to hoarseness, weak voice, difficulty speaking loudly, or even complete loss of voice. Other symptoms may include coughing or choking while swallowing, aspiration of food or liquid into the airway, and shortness of breath.