Before beginning the reduce process, the MapReduce engine makes sure that all of the Mappers have finished their execution.
For the block location, the client contacts the NameNode (s). The NameNode then requests block locations from the DataNodes. The NameNode leads the client to the DataNode, holding the requested data block when the DataNodes react to it (s). The data is then immediately read by the client from the DataNode.
Reducer is the correct syntax to implement the class.
MapReduce tasks may be created and executed using any executable script as the Mapper or Reducer by using Hadoop streaming.
Values for a particular key are not sorted, although keys are delivered to reducers in sorted order.
Although the values attached to each key are delivered to a Reducer in sorted order, there is no consistency in the order of the values.
Linux users can display a file or directory indication by using the ls -l command.