By dividing (HAPPY)26 by (SAD)26, we get KD and MLP as the remainder.
The most resistant to frequency analysis is Random Polyalphabetic, followed by Vignere, Playfair, and Plaintext.
Mono-alphabetic ciphers, like the Caesar Cipher, only encrypt or decrypt one alphabet at a time.
Text of the cipher: Ci = Pi + ki mod m (mod 26).
Calculate the alphabets using base 26 after converting the letters to their corresponding values.
These letters' relative frequency, expressed as a percentage, is e-12.702, a-8.167, t-9.056, i-6.996, and o-7.507.
The IC is around 0.038, which is less than half of the IC for the English language if every letter has the same probability of being chosen.
We may calculate m using the formula m=5, where m≈0.027n/(I_c (n-1)-0.038n+0.065).
Using basic conversions, we convert to 3.1415926 as D.DRS.
About 0.065 is the IC for the English language.
Text cipher: = Ci = Pi + ki mod m (mod 26).
(11001001) divided by (100111) gives us (110).
In the Playfair cipher, a key table is initially created. The plaintext is encrypted using a key table, which is a 5 by 5 grid of alphabets. It is required that each of the twenty-five alphabets be distinct, and letter J is left out.
The correct response is 26^6 = 308915776.
The Vigenere Cipher uses a text string as a key and a series of shifts on the plain-text to encrypt data. In this case, the sender and the recipient agree on a single key.
The following base-16 division will be used, where A-F stand for 10-15.