Summative assessment is conducted at the end of a unit, course, or instructional period to evaluate students' overall performance or achievement.
Validity refers to the extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure, whereas reliability pertains to the consistency and precision of the test results.
Performance-based tasks allow students to demonstrate their understanding through real-world applications or problem-solving activities, making them suitable for assessing complex concepts or processes.
Criterion-referenced assessments measure students' performance against specific criteria or standards such as passing a driving test.
True/False questions have clear criteria for correctness, making them objective assessment items.
Standardized tests often have a narrow focus on content knowledge and may not adequately assess other important skills or competencies.
Formative assessment aims to provide ongoing feedback to students and teachers to support learning and improvement.
Classroom observation involves the informal monitoring and assessment of students' behavior, interactions, and learning progress within the classroom setting.
Effective assessment practices strive to minimize bias and ensure fairness in the evaluation process.
Standardized tests provide a common measure for comparing students' performance across different schools, districts, or regions.
Feedback serves to inform students about their strengths and areas for improvement, guiding them toward better learning outcomes.