FREE CELDT Reading Questions and Answers


What strategy can help you succeed in the CELDT Reading section?

Correct! Wrong!

Reading the questions first can help you focus on relevant information as you read the passage.

What is the primary focus of the Reading section in the CELDT?

Correct! Wrong!

The Reading section assesses how well students can understand and interpret written English.

Which of the following is a common task in the CELDT Reading section?

Correct! Wrong!

Students typically read a passage and then answer questions to demonstrate their understanding of the text.

In the CELDT Reading section, what is important when answering comprehension questions?

Correct! Wrong!

Understanding the main idea and key details helps in accurately answering comprehension questions.

How should you handle unfamiliar vocabulary in the Reading section?

Correct! Wrong!

Context clues can help you understand unfamiliar words without interrupting the flow of reading.