When you wish to learn more specifically, contextually, in-depth information on a particular real-world topic, a case study is a suitable research design.
A case study is a type of research that entails a thorough, in-depth analysis of a single entity, such as an individual, family, group, company, community, or event. Researchers from various social science fields, such as anthropologists, historians, psychologists, or sociologists, frequently perform case studies.
The popularity of mixed-method techniques has recently increased. These studies include qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis, and interpretation, which is why more academics are choosing them.
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Determining the single case or a group of related cases that can be included in a multiple-case study is the first stage. Usually, a search is done to see what is known about the case(s). A review of the literature, grey literature, media, reports, and other sources may be included in this, which helps to develop the research and establish a fundamental understanding of the situations.
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