Correct answer:
A procedure in the PMS cycle called performance calibration involves business/function people leaders debating employee performance and agreeing on performance evaluation ratings. These ratings may be entirely goal-oriented or may incorporate demonstrated behaviors as part of the competency framework.
Employee stock options that can be given to a third party are known as transferable stock options. Transfers are typically restricted to close family members, investment vehicles created with family members in mind, and/or charitable organizations.
The recent activity bias, also known as the recency effect, occurs more frequently than we might think during performance evaluations. When it comes time for the evaluation, managers notice the increased work effort and/or quality, and this tends to stick out in their minds more than the less-than-acceptable work produced earlier in the review period.
Correct answer:
All of the above
Check-in is a continuous, two-way interaction when an employee and manager talk about performance and professional development and share current comments. It is an insightful discussion on what is working well, what can be improved, and what should be the next area of focus to increase company impact and career progress. A new, digital-first check-in is being adopted.
An employee with tenure is one who has been with a company or organization for a significant amount of time. Long-tenured employees are individuals who have worked for a company for more than five years, while short-tenured employees have only worked for the company for less than five years.